I am waiting for tech support (that is a joke) to find out why I cannot login. Why is it that tech support automatically labels people as complete computer idiots? They right away think that WE have done something wrong and talk down to us as if we are morons. Yes, I put in the correct user ID and yes I put in the right password you PINHEAD!
This is the one of the wonderful starts to a GREAT day (he said with a sarcastic look). Count your blessings and they will outnumber your struggles. This is true, but when those struggles hit? BOY, do they hit hard. I wake up this morning to find out that after all my calls to HR, to make sure my direct deposit was still in effect, AND them telling me that it is in fact still in effect...ITS NOT! Of course! And do I need the money? NOOOOO, I am independently wealthy and I drive 1 hour and 15 minutes to a break your back job to make less than all my other jobs JUST FOR THE FREAKIN FUN OF IT! That is number 527 on the things that are wrong with this CORPORATE world! We are only numbers to them ladies and gentlemen...or should I say 's 2345 and 72943. You dont screw with a persons paycheck people! I came to work, I did my job...now do yours! Pay me!
And now I have to go and face, once again, the school that my kids are to attend to probably find out that they do NOT have all the info they need and now they STILL cannot let my kid go to school. Oh how they love to make you squirm! They say "I cannot register your child until I get this paperwork". And then I say,with all the logic God gave me..."do you not remember our President saying NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND?" Then I get the "I hate parents" look. I dont give a rats patootie. If you spent as much time getting the kids enrolled as you do trying to tell the parents you cant enroll them...so much criticism towards the educational system could be avoided. I only critisize(sp?) parts of the educational system since they do pay for over half the income in this household...but come on people, dont turn your own against you. There should be at least a commaradere(sp? again) between employees, am I right?
This concludes my banter for the hour. I have to take a shower. Glory to the power. I do not like Matt Lauer. I was a poet and didnt know it.