Saturday, July 11, 2015

Truth hurts. Feel the pain.

I want to use very few of my own thoughts and even words. Let truth overcome. Word of caution; what you are about to read is from a true Christian-sinner. I will be as humble as I can.

What will it take to stop the divide? When will we ALL stop for a moment, take a deep breath and solve this divisive merry-go-round? Isn't it time to form a group, a sign, a common symbol of those who want to be known as peace-makers? Not only that, but also be joined together by what is known to be right in the eyes of God? Here are some hard biblical facts you may or may not like, so here goes.

  1. Being any color but white, this is not a sin. Gal. 3:28-There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
  2. Any race of man can marry any race of woman, this is not a sin. Eph. 5:31-“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”
  3. Giving a symbol power, this IS a sin. 1 Corinthians 10:1-22
Of course this is not an all-inclusive list, but it highlights a few things happening in our country today. Let's take the race issue. I like what Morgan Freeman said about how to stop racism; "stop talking about it". Does anyone see a common thread? There are big name news sources (NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, Etc.) and these guys run the news. They run what THEY want you to hear and what THEY think is big news. This is what keeps us talking about issues. However, if they stop running pieces on a certain topic, it fades away...until they bring it up again. The media controls the pulse of America. If they want us talking about it, worrying about it, fighting about it...they will bring it up. I saw a piece on NBC Nightly News about Wells Fargo opening accounts without customers knowing, and then charging fees on those accounts. One man made a statement among all the rants and trash talking about the bank; he said "no one gets as big as Wells Fargo by making customers upset". Of course no one read that or even if they did, they didn't want to acknowledge it. 
Here is another fact. There is more good in the world than the media wants us to know about.

The confederate flag. I started with mixed feelings over this issue. I am from Alabama and I have always seen the confederate flag as a symbol of southern history and heritage. But I always knew that the flag was something that not only flew in all corners of Alabama, but it flew for reason of hate. There were always black/white fights at school. Usually between poverty stricken southern whites and poverty stricken African Americans. They felt the flag was a symbol to keep them separate. Here is the fact...the flag has brought hurt, not healing. No matter if it was stolen by hate-mongers or not, it is a symbol of oppression. Lets face it, confederates lost. The only flag that means anything is the American flag. Everyone should rally around our country's flag. "Old Glory", "Stars and Stripes".

Lets get back to the common symbol. I want to start a movement. A movement of truth and integrity. It is time to add another state to the union. The state of truth and the followers of integrity. 

I don't know the logistics yet, but the symbol will be "51". It is time to bring people together and stop splitting them up.