I had to leave the comfort of my bed this morning very early due to a headache. My wife was in a similar situation, each of us could not sleep and got out of bed. My wife went back to bed but I decided to make a pot of java and see where my early morning thoughts took me. So here I am.
Each day I get my daily bread of Bible Gateways "Verse of the Day". This morning I read;
James 3:17-18
But the wisdom that
comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate,
submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who
sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.
This verse (as many other verses often do) went hand in hand with an interview I watched of Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. She was being asked about what Dr. Kings stance would be on gay marriage. She delivered her view and what she felt Dr. King would have said; Everyone is deserving of love and kindness. She did make it known that the gospel does not support gay marriage. Again, she also said all humans deserve the love of God.
The verse above tells it clear; the WISDOM of Heaven is first of all PURE. I love how the bible puts the words in the correct order so that the facts are weighed evenly. For thousands of years, even before Christ there has been a definition of purity and what it means. Purity or pure has many definitions. One is "being free from moral fault or guilt". So when the wisdom from Heaven is given, it will first of all be pure and it will be free of fault. After James makes it clear that Heaven's wisdom is pure, he tells us all of these adjectives that relate to the treatment of everyone. Heaven will tell us the truth, but it will tell us the truth in a peace-loving way. I really love how James uses words that actually place him in humility to all that hear him. He states that the wisdom is considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. We see no terms of hate or bitterment.
Living the Saved Life teaches me that the truth will never change. There will always be a right and a wrong. If we choose to live right, we will not have to cover impurity. If we live wrong, we will always have to justify our wrong-doing. Regardless of the way we live, we should all be treated first in love.
God be with you today. May the love of Christ fill your day with happiness and grace.