It is a phrase that has been used for centuries. When a person or persons claim they have the power to overturn any opposition they so want, corruption is eminent. At no time has our country ever been so divided.
My heart aches. It aches for the fact that we who have no voice. The America that I was raised to love is gone. It is run by groups. And when politicians (power hungry evil men/women) know they can win elections by gathering groups and stirring their hate cauldron, they attach themselves like a parasite. That parasite then drains the logic and the common sense from that group. There is no group for me. I am a Christian white male. Today, I have no voice and no rights.
People in the Supreme Court do not know the Supreme God and they will never acknowledge Him because they believe THEY have the power to do whatever here on earth. And it is clear that "television/politician" so-called Christians are in no way or form CHRISTIAN. Society will look at the actions of a few and pin them on anyone claiming to be part of that group. I am a Christian. I have never hurt anyone. Why is that? Because in my belief in the Supreme God, I cannot hurt anyone. Matter of fact, because I follow Jesus Christ, I have to love my enemy. So DO NOT COMPARE A PSYCHO THAT HURTS AND KILLS PEOPLE TO A CHRISTIAN! And do not believe for one second that Obama is a Christian. Only those who follow the teachings of the Bible are true Christians. Only those who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and His disciples are Christian. And you can bet anything, no one that follows can ever hurt anyone.
This will continue and this will only get worse. And again, what is politicians and SCJ's will never listen or want to listen to someone like me. You will just continue to make your decisions, go to your luxury homes and live this life to the fullest. My warning is this. Enjoy your creature comforts now...for you the judge becomes could face judgement.
The prayer I now have is for my savior to return. Please bring your people home.
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